Becka Brothers Lawn Services

Lawn Tips


  • Keep your mower cutting blade set at 3 1/2 inches to avoid scalping your lawn. Scalping forces your grass to put its energy into regrowing blades of grass instead of roots.
  • Mow your yard when the grass is 4 – 4½ inches tall.
  • Avoid cutting your grass too low. A height of 2 to 3 inches is ideal, as the grass height is generally equal to the depth of the roots. If your grass is only growing in a few patches, just lightly cut those areas, rather than running the mower over the whole lawn. This will also save you fuel costs and time.


  • The Right Amount: Apply 1 inch of water (Mother Nature sometimes takes care of this for us.) to your lawn a week. Apply all the water at one time to create a deeper and healthier root system grow (which makes a more resilient the grass in a drought).Ideally, you should water enough to get moisture down to the roots for a several day period, without having the water run off, where it is wasted. Just a light spritz only encourages shallow root systems. Shallow roots are more prone to drought problems.
    While fruits and veggies need water at regular intervals, lawns will simply go dormant during long periods of rain-free weather. Different types of grass will stay greener longer during dry periods. Only in extreme drought will the root systems of lawns die.
  • The Right Time: If you must water, do so when evaporation rates are at their lowest. Any time during the period from a little before sunset to a little after sunrise is okay.The most desirable time for watering is within a couple of hours of dawn as the air and ground temperature are usually at their lowest point, allowing sufficient time for the water to get to the roots.Persistent watering during the late afternoon and evening, while allowing for the maximum time for water to get to the roots, could trigger a mold, mildew and other diseases, which could also kill your plants.Water under wooded areas, too. With time, during dry periods, the ground under a canopy of trees will get just as dry as areas in the sun. The tree roots will draw upon that moisture in the shade.


  • March-April (with weed control), June-July (with insect control), and September – October (winterize lawn). This service is not provided by BeckaBrothers.


  • Aerating allows microorganisms to create an excellent growing environment for the grass.
  • Use a core aerator to make 2 – 3 inch deep holes that are 2 – 4 inches apart in August or September. Soil presses together, preventing necessary oxygen and water from reaching grass roots.
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